How To Manual Jump Attack On Night Walker On A Mac

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Jacob Hiller

Among the most popular jump training programs is the Jump Manual. One reason for this is that it works. This Jump Manual review looks at why the program is effective and why Jacob Hiller is letting people get it for $1 to test for 21 days with a guarantee of gaining 10″ or more on your vertical in 12 weeks. Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video. So after seeing how important jump attack is to the true potential of a Night Walker, I decided to look up many guides on how to do it, but still confused. I have a Blackwidow Chroma Stealth, use 'Q' as my quintuple star, and like jump on space because I have big hands and it's comfortable.

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The Jump Manual is our pick for the best all-around jump training program.
It lets you jump higher by 10 inches or more in 12 weeks, using different techniques including plyometrics, weight training, nutrition and flexibility.
Jacob Hiller, the author, is so certain it works that he offers it at $1 to start. If you aren't satisfied after 21 days, you don't need to pay.

Among the most popular jump training programs is the Jump Manual.

One reason for this is that it works.

This Jump Manual review looks at why the program is effective and why Jacob Hiller is letting people get it for $1 to test for 21 days… with a guarantee of gaining 10″ or more on your vertical in 12 weeks.

The Art of the Jump

Every basketball player wants to be able to jump high, glide through the air and dunk like Michael Jordan.

And while some people are naturally gifted at it, there’s actually a way to train yourself to get a 40” vertical leap.

I used to thing that being able to jump high was genetics only. Some people were lucky to be born with it others not.

That all changed when I learned about the Jump Manual and talking to Jacob Hiller, the manual’s creator. Being able to have a one-on-one consultation with him made me understand that there was a lot more to jumping and that anyone can train to jump higher.

What is the Jump Manual?

The Jump Manual was created by Jacob Hiller who for more than a decade has been working on different methods to figure out how to improve vertical leaping ability.

The program is systemic as it is scientific. It takes a look at the different parts of your jump, analyzes it and fixes them.

The entire program is a comprehensive 12 week training that uses different types of exercises to produce higher jump results.

After the 12 weeks are done, Hiller guarantees that you will gain at least 10 inches to your jump height.

Who is Jacob Hiller?

Jacob Hiller is an internationally known training who specializes in helping athletes jump higher. He has trained NBA players and Olympic athletes improve their performance and jumping ability.

Hiller’s jumping ability and techniques were developed while taking a break from basketball years ago to figure out why he couldn’t jump higher.

During that time his experiments helped him form the program he uses today where he’s asked to consult with different basketball teams around the world to help their players jump higher.

How Does it Work?


The Jump Manual is composed of a 2 week cycle that is repeated over 6 times to complete the 12 weeks.

Each of the 14 days are broken down into different training sessions that are in a workout chart. The workout chart lists all the exercises that are to be done each day.

14 Day Workout Chart

The main workouts are split into the following drills and exercises:

  • Weight training
  • Plyometrics
  • Speed drills
  • Explosive movements
  • Core training
  • Stretching exercises

There are also off days and recovery days which are all listed in the workout chart.

How To Manual Jump Attack On Night Walker On A Mac Full

Training Program

The different exercises and workouts can be broken down into different topics that are all needed to improve vertical jump.

These include:

  • Strength (general strength and jump specific strength)
  • Explosiveness
  • Balance and stability
  • Form
  • Flexibility

All of them are tackled by the Jump Manual, which is why it is one of the more comprehensive and all-around programs around.

Rest, Nutrition and Recovery

One other thing that Hiller emphasizes throughout the training is that:

Muscle Gains DO NOT Happen During Training:
Muscle gains are initiated during a training session; however, the actual gains in strength take place during a proper recovery.

For this reason a section on the Jump Manual PDF includes a nutritional guide, and a how to on recovery and rest.

As a trainer, Hiller shows the different things to do and not to do on off days so muscles recover quickly and get stronger.

Pre-workout warm ups and stretching as well as post workout activity are also included.

As an athlete, understanding these things is probably one of the most valuable things the download version of the Jump Manual teaches, aside from jumping higher of course.

Jump Manual Results and Review

The first time I heard about the Jump Manual I was very skeptical. I had done different types of jump training and never heard of anything getting you 10 inches or more.

  • What made me changed my mind was being able to talk to Jacob Hiller. He also made me send him videos of me doing different types of jumps and pointed things out that I could improve on.
  • The last thing that made me go for it was the $1 offer. He allowed me to try it for 3 weeks for $1.

At the end of 3 weeks, if I wasn’t happy, or didn’t get results… I got it free.

This was one way of knowing that he was confident of the results.

I’m glad to say things did work out well and after completing the 12 weeks I decided to do more.

After training with the Jump Manual I’m glad to say I can now jump over 35 inches.

I started with a so-so 24 inch vertical jump before using the Jump Manual.

The Pros and Cons


How To Manual Jump Attack On Night Walker On A Mac Youtube

  • It is an all-around training routine that not only increases vertical jump but also improves conditioning, strength and athleticism.
  • It is proven to provide results. I’ve seen the results for myself and others have also been able to jump higher after using the Jump Manual.
  • You don’t spend time doing useless exercises. All the workouts and exercises have been listed in order and made as efficient as possible so you don’t spend time doing worthless exercises.
  • Easy to follow workout chart and daily schedules. Exercises are also shown step by step.
  • Teaches proper nutrition for athletes.
  • Can be done if you don’t have access to weights or gym.
  • Jacob Hiller offers one-on-one coaching that makes the training custom to each athlete.
  • $1 trial offer. Pay just $1 and use it for 3 weeks. If you’re not happy, you don’t need to get it.
How To Manual Jump Attack On Night Walker On A Mac


  • It is not free, since it is a paid product. But at a $1 trial period for 21 days, or you get it free if you’re not happy with the results, it comes quite close to being free.
  • The program is not easy and you need to commit to the schedule. The rest days and the off days make it easier since you don’t workout daily. But, training hard is still needed.
How To Manual Jump Attack On Night Walker On A Mac
  • It is important to stick to the program, follow the nutrition guidelines and do the number of sets and repetitions as prescribed. Following the program as it is meant to be is what makes it work.


The Jump Manual is a comprehensive program that focuses on improving vertical jump. It uses various techniques like strength training, jumping technique, plyometrics, stretching and warm-ups as well as proper nutrition to get results.

The author is so confident of the results that he’s willing to offer it for $1 to let user try it for 3 weeks.

How To Manual Jump Attack On Night Walker On A Mac Download

When the 3 weeks are over and you’re not happy you don’t have to get the program.

How To Manual Jump Attack On Night Walker On A Mac Video

Overall, this is one of the best jump training programs because it delivers results and uses a very scientific and systematic way of improving the different aspects of the jump.

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