Mac Os Server 5 Manual

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Mac OS X 10.5.6 Server was also released in addition to Security Updates for client and server Macs still running Mac OS X 10.4.11 Tiger. Apple on Monday released Mac OS X 10.5.6, a recommended.

Mac OS X Server

Version 10.5 Leopard

Getting Started Guide For Small Workgroups

February 2008


Getting Started with Leopard Server in Small Workgroups

When most people think about the word server, they think about monolithic machines in labyrinthine, air-conditionedrooms keepinge-commercewebsites online, orhigh-performancemachines sequencing the human genome. And don’t be surprised to find Mac OS X Server in those environments performing thoselarge-scaletasks.

But as much as servers help businesses with large-scaleneeds, they can be just as helpful for businesses with simpler requirements. And they’re affordable, too.

Mac OS X Server 10.5 (also known as“Leopard Server”) is an incredibly flexible platform for building your custom IT infrastructure. Anyone can do it. Really. Start small, and it can grow with you.

When you’re working alone, it’s pretty simple to keep track of your stuff.You’ve got your calendar, your address book, and your documents all on one handy drive. But when more people come into the mix, a server can give the entire group access to one central location for all their data. No more shuffling files back and forth, wondering if you have the latest version. Leopard Server gives you 24/7 access to a single holding place for all your important files, shared contacts, and calendars, plus the ability

Mac Os Server Setup

to manage your email and web presence yourself. That means your sensitive data lives on your hardware, not someone else’s.Your server also holds onto collaborative documents like wikis and blogs so you can access them anytime, anywhere.

Here are some highlights of benefits you get from

Leopard Server:

Mail. Based entirely on open standards, providing compatibility with your existing network infrastructure. Complete with junk mail filtering and virus detection and quarantine.The Mail server supports Macs, PCs, iPhones and other mobile devices.

File Sharing and Spotlight Server. With all your documents in one place, sharing has never been easier. Just as on your own machine, use Spotlight to quickly search the server for anything.

iCal Server. Schedule meetings, subscribe to shared calendars, and send or receive invitations with iCal, ouruser-friendlycalendaring application. Plus schedule conference rooms, projectors, and the like.

Wiki, Blog, and Web Servers. Bring the power of Wikipedia into your company and create your own wiki so anyone on your team can add, edit, and share online

information, making it that much easier to keep everything up-to-dateand complete.

Also, each member of your team can have his/her own blog, and you can publish all of this easily to the Internet. No designer? No problem. Use one of our templates to kick-startcreativity.


Mac OS X Server 10-ClientEdition.The easiest way to deploy essential network services, the 10-client edition is designed for small workgroups and Internet hosting services that do not require simultaneous file sharing among more than 10 Mac and PC clients.

Mac OS X Server Unlimited-ClientEdition.

The most cost-effectiveway to support Mac and Windows workgroups, theunlimited-clientedition is perfect for classroom labs, creative professionals, andmedium-to-largeworkgroups with high volumes offile-sharingactivity.


iChat Server. Leopard Server makes it simple to set up your own personal Instant Messaging server so just your workgroup can communicate with one another in real time. It also can communicate securely with other servers running the Jabber standard protocol.

VPN Remote Access. Setting up a VPN so that remote users could access

your network’s services securely used to be a tedious, involved process. Leopard Server makes it easy with just a few simple steps.You’ll have peace of mind knowing that communications with your remote users are protected by enterprisegrade encryption.

Select Your Scenario

Now, let’s put Leopard Server to work! To make the best use of this document, you should look at the four scenarios below, choose the one that most closely describes your personal needs, skip to it, and go through the instructions for that particular one.

Scenario 1: Leopard Server on an Existing Mac Pro in a Small Office Using Apple AirPort Extreme as the Network Router (page 4).

Scenario 2: Leopard Server on an Xserve or a Mac Pro in a Small Office with Routing/ Firewall Services (page 9).

Scenario 3: Leopard Server on an Xserve in aCo-locationFacility (page 15.)

Scenario 4: Leopard Server on an Xserve for a Workgroup at aMedium-to-LargeBusiness with an Existing Server Infrastructure (page 20).

Remember that Leopard Server can grow and adapt as your group grows. You also may find, as your needs and skills with Leopard Server grow, that you want to go into greater depth and learn about more advanced administration

options. So Leopard Server comes with a more in-depthprinted Getting Started guide, and comprehensive documentation of Mac OS X Server is available at

OK! Let's get started.


Scenario 1: Leopard Server on an Existing Mac Pro in a Small Office Using Apple AirPort Extreme as the Network Router

You Know Where to Find Me

Most consumer broadband Internet services provide you with a dynamic

IP address—onethat changes anytime you turn your modem off and back on.

However, you can generally get a static

IP address—onewhich remains the samepermanently—eitherby paying an extra fee or by opting for a small business service package. If it’s available, this is the best option and is highly recommended.

Contact your Internet Service Provider for details But, if you’re stuck with a dynamic IP address for whatever reason, you can keep from having to note your

Internet IP address anytime you leave the office by using a service like No-IP( DynDNS (, which let you assign a static domain name to yourInternet-connectedcomputer. That way, you need only remember one address, even when the IP address changes.This makes accessing your computer from another location, using the Internet,

a lot easier.

Airport Extreme or Time Capsule

Mac Pro Mac mini or iMac

This is the classic small/home office setup with broadband Internet service.You’ve got a few people working with you who all need to share files, collaborate with one another, coordinate their respective schedules and contact information, and still need access when they’re on the go.

Required Equipment

Mac Pro or Mac Mini with display, or iMac which can be erased during installation (second internal or external hard drive is optional but highly recommended)

Copy of Leopard Server (either 10-clientlicense orunlimited-clientlicense will do)

Airport Extreme base station connected to your Internet service

Ethernet cable to connect the Mac Pro to the Airport Extreme

Macintosh computers for your users

For purposes of this scenario, let’s assume that the Mac Pro has been cleared of allimportant data and can be safely erased during installation of Leopard Server, and that AirPort Extreme already has been correctly configured for use with the office’s broadband Internet service. It also presumes that you have a registered domain name for your company.


Installing Mac OS X Server

Connect the Mac Pro to the Airport Extreme. The Ethernet cable will connect one of the ports on the back of the Mac Pro to one on the back of the Airport Extreme. Both ports should be marked with this symbol: .

Insert the Mac OS X Server Install Disc. Double-click Install Mac OS X Server. Click Restart and authenticate after your system restarts. Mac OS X Server will boot from the installation DVD.

Choose your language. Click to continue.

Welcome. This screen gives you the opportunity to review system requirements and other information before proceeding. Click Continue. Agree to the terms of the license.

Select a Destination. Choose a hard drive where you want to install Mac OS X Server. Click Options to change settings. Select“Erase and Install”and click OK. Click Continue.

Install Summary. This is the last chance to back out before erasing the destination hard drive. If you’re set to proceed, click Install.

Installing. Installation will take 20 to 30 minutes.

Install Succeeded. Your system will restart automatically.

Getting Help Along the Way

If you need help—orsimply want moreinformation—youcan always click theicon on any screen. This brings up a Help window, which you can keep

at the side of the Server Assistant window or Server Preferences pane. As you move through installation and setup, you’ll see the Help information change to support you—whereveryou are in the process.


Setting Up Mac OS X Server

At restart, your system will boot from the destination hard drive, eject the Install Disc, and launch Server Assistant—whichsteps you through all the information needed to configure your server.

Following are all the dialog boxes you will encounter during the configuration process:

Welcome. Click Continue.

Server Configuration. Mac OS X Server gives you a choice of three configurations:

Standard, Workgroup, and Advanced. For this type of installation, select Standard and click Continue.

Keyboard. Confirm that Mac OS X Server has recognized the keyboard you are using and click Continue.

Serial Number. Enter the serial number that’s on the card included with your Mac OS X

Server discs. Click Continue.

Registration Information. Fill in your name and contact information. This will register your copy of Mac OS X Server with Apple. Click Continue.

A Few More Questions. Please provide additional information about how you expect to use Mac OS X Server. Click Continue.

Administrator Account. Create a name, short name, and password for your administrator account. For security reasons, you should not use this account as your user account on the server. Click Continue.

TCP/IP Connection. This screen allows you to enter the IP address and TCP/IP information provided to you by your ISP or network administrator. For this installation, you should select“Yes, use the information supplied”at the Network Address page.

Click Continue.

Network Names. For your Primary DNS Name, Mac OS X Server can detect your computer’s IP address from information provided by your Ethernet connection. If it is not correct, contact your ISP before finishing configuration. If Mac OS X Server does not detect an IP address, you can enter your own name, such as myserver.private.You also need to enter a more colloquial name for yourserver—somethinglike My Mac OS X

Server. This is how users will see the server on the network. Click Continue.

A Real Switch-Hitter

You can make your Airport base station do double duty as a networked backup device by using Time Capsule from Apple.

Time Capsule takes the blazing 802.11n WiFi performance of an Airport Extreme, and then adds either a 500GB or 1TB drive which can be used by both wired and wireless Macs on your local network as

Mac Os Server 5 Manual Pdf

a Time Machine backup drive. It's a quick and easy way to make sure the data on your newly-configuredLeopard Server is secure.


Time Zone. Choose your time zone.This is very important for accurately capturing times for wiki and blog entries, sent and received emails, and logins and logouts. Click Continue.

Server Backup. If your server has more than one hard drive, Mac OS X Server gives you the option to back up your system, as well as all service data, such as wikis, calendars, mail, and sharedfiles—makingit easy to restore your server in case of system failure.

Click Continue.

Mail Service. You can opt to either be your own primary email server or to relay your mail through your ISP’s outbound mail server.To relay, specify the relay server name, such as also have the opportunity to customize the welcome email that will notify your users that their account has been set up. Click Continue.

Remote Access. You can allow your users to connect to Mac OS X Server when they are offsite, giving them remote access to wikis, blogs, shared calendars, email, and shared volumes. Click Continue.

Add New User Accounts. Enter the names for each of your users, clickingfor a blank field. For each user, Mac OS X Server assigns a short name, which you may edit. Create a password for each user. (Note:This step automatically creates an email address and a chat address for each user.) Click Continue.

Setting Up. As Mac OS X Server configures itself, it provides a review of all your settings. Click Continue.

Thank You. Your server is now ready to use. Click Go to manage accounts and change settings, using Server Preferences.


Simple Client Machine Configuration. On each Client machine, run the Directory Utility program in /Applications/Utilities. Click the lock icon and enter the administrator name and password for that machine. It should automatically find the available

Directory Server and offer to configure your machine (see above). If not, click the icon and select your server’s name from the Server Name or IP Address menu. Click OK. Once you see the screen above, click Begin Setup.

And let the collaboration begin! Share files via the Finder, get some meetings on the calendar, and trade contacts in the address book.You’ll also be able to send and receive mail, write and read blogs and wikis, and IM over your very own network. And if you’re away, do it all remotely with your VPN settings.

Click to activate the Server Preferences program and customize your setup You’ll find it in the dock on the server. Also, when you’re ready to tap into the advanced settings of Leopard Server you may want to use the Server Admin application to control more of the finer details than those available in Server Preferences. A more in-depthprinted Getting Started guide is included with every copy of Mac OS X Server and with every Mac that comes with Mac OS X Serverpre-installed.Also, comprehensive documentation of all the features of Mac OS X Server can be found at

Now that configuration is complete, head to page 25 for information on the level of workgroup collaboration you can look forward to with Mac OS X Server.


Scenario 2: Leopard Server on an Xserve or a Mac Pro in a Small Office with Routing/Firewall Services

Go Headless.

If you don’t have a monitor (also known as a“head”) for the Xserve in this configuration, you can control everything remotely from a Mac on the same LAN as the Xserve, connected to the same network switch/hub. Install the Admin

Tools from the provided Install Disk and use the Server Assistant application. It should find your Xserve waiting to be configured. The password to enter is the first eight characters of the Xserve’s serial number. You can find this on the box the Xserve arrived in, or on the machine itself, and

it is case-sensitive.Then you’ll be able to guide the configuration remotely.

Xserve or Dual

Ethernet Mac Pro


Airport Extreme or Time Capsule

You may be small now, but you’re ready to look a lot bigger to the rest of the world. An Xserve running Leopard Server can help you do everything you need to make that impression right in-house!

Required Equipment

Xserve (or dual-Ethernetmodel Mac Pro with a copy of Mac OS X Server)

Network switch or hub with at least four ports, not including WAN port

AirPort Extreme wireless router (required only if you have wireless client Macs)

Four or more Macintosh computers running Leopard for your users

Either a monitor to connect to the Xserve or a Mac connected to your LAN that included Admin Tools have been installed on

Sufficient Ethernet cable to connect all wired machines (and the optional AirPort Extreme, if you use one) to the hub/switch

This scenario presumes that you have Internet service you can connect to using

Ethernet and DHCP, plus a registered domain name for your business. A static Internet IP address for the server is highly recommended.


Get Connected. Connect the Xserve and each desktop Mac (and the Airport Extreme if you have it) to the network switch/hub. Connect the Xserve’s other Ethernet port to your Internet connection.Then start up! (If you’re using a Mac Pro as your server, check the instructions in Scenario 1 for installing Leopard Server before proceeding.) Make sure you either have a monitor, keyboard, and mouse connected to the Xserve or have the included Admin Tools installed on one of the connected Macs. (See sidebar

“Go headless.”)

Welcome. Click Continue.

Getting Help Along the Way

If you need help—orsimply want moreinformation—youcan always click theicon on any screen. This brings up a Help window, which you can keep at the side of the Server Assistant window or Server

Mac Os Server Versions

Preferences pane. As you move through installation and setup, you’ll see the Help information change to support you—whereveryou are in the process.

Following are all the dialog boxes you will encounter during the configuration process:


Mac Os Server 5 Manual Pdf

Server Configuration. Mac OS X Server gives you a choice of three configurations:

Standard, Workgroup, and Advanced. For this type of installation, select Standard and click Continue.

Keyboard. Confirm that Mac OS X Server has recognized the keyboard you are using and click Continue.

Serial Number. Enter the serial number that’s on the card included with your Mac OS X

Server discs. Click Continue.

Registration Information. Fill in your name and contact information. This will register your copy of Mac OS X Server with Apple. Click Continue.

Mac Os Server 5 Manual 2017

A Few More Questions. Please provide additional information about how you expect to use Mac OS X Server. Click Continue.

Administrator Account. Create a name, short name, and password for your administrator account. For security reasons, you should not use this account as your user account on the server. Click Continue.

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